Balboa Park and My Fortune Teller


Pazartesi günü, burada çok ünlü bir park olan Balboa Park'a gittik, normalde Martin Luther King Day kutlanmalı, bütün müzeler açık olmalı ve biz de çok güzel vakit geçirmeliydik. Ama hava çok soğuktu, biz öğlen 1 buçukta oradaydık, bütün etkinlikler bitmişti, müzeler kapalıydı ama yeşillik çoook güzeldi, tabii el ve Tarot falı baktırdığım kısım en iyisiydi:) Kıyafetim California'ya uygun olmasa da emin olun buradaki anlam veremediğimiz buz gibi hava için mükemmel oldu...

On Monday, we went to a park which is very popular in San Digo called Balboa Park. Normally, the day we went it should be celebrated Martin Luther King Day, all museums should be opened and we should have amazing time. However, the weathar was so cold, we were there in midday, all activities were finished, museums were closed but green area was wonderfuul, and of course the time when my fortune teller showed up was the best:) Even if my outfit is not appropriate for California, be sure that my outfit for this cold weather which we can't all give meaning was perfect....


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